NHACDL's Spring 2012 CLE will help you deal with District Court. This CLE is chock-full of information to help you with common district court dilemmas and get the best results for your clients. The CLE will be held Friday, May 18, 2012, at the Derryfield Country Club at 625 Mammoth Road in Manchester. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. the the CLE will start promptly at 9 a.m. The seminar will provide 6 hours of CLE credit including one hour of ethics.

Topics include:

* The intersection of domestic violence/stalking/protective order cases with criminal cases. Learn about ways that you can decrease collateral damage from these cases, and manage a criminal matter alongside a domestic matter. Jaye Rancourt of Brennan, Caron, Lenehan and Iacopino will present this section.
* The hour of ethics will be led by Chuck Temple, from the UNH Law School Criminal Practice Clinic. Chuck will discuss and advise on numerous ethical dilemmas that arise in district court practice. Of course, these dilemmas generally apply in Superior Court as well!

* The new annulment statute will be covered by Gary Apfel of Simpson and Mulligan. Find out how the amendments to the law will affect future annulments and what clients can expect in terms of privacy. Gary will also discuss strategies for vacating convictions when the circumstances warrant a need for review of a prior conviction.
* We are pleased that Chris Casko of the Department of Motor Vehicles has agreed to lead a segment on the new video system that can be used for administrative hearings. In the right case this has the potential to save clients and attorneys time and money.

* A search and seizure update will be covered by a panel consisting of Public Defenders Meredith Lugo and Tony Sculimbrene as well as Londonderry attorney, Rick Monteith. Several topics will be covered including recent litigation on the adminissibility of jail house recordings.

* Cross border issues and a Padilla update by Chuck Bookman, from Bookman and Al-Marayati, will help you spot immigration issues and avoid unforeseen consequences for clients who reside across state lines.

* The final section will include an intriguing panel discussion on various topics (issues such as witnesses at PC hearings, update on Crawford and Dilboy, admissibility of records, using experts, booking videos, video arraignments, cut and paste police reports, ect., -- bring your questions!) The panel will be led by Public Defender Tara Witt. Other panelists include Public Defenders Kate Hyland and Brooke Belanger and Manchester attorney Joe Prieto.

This CLE is open to defense practitioners only.

Cost includes presentations, lunch and written materials via email. The materials are also available on a flash drive for an extra $10.

To register, send this FORM to NHACDL. New Hampshire Public Defenders - please register through Richard Guerriero.