NHACDL will host its fall CLE and annual meeting on November 15, 2019 at the Derryfield Country Club in Manchester.  The focus of the CLE is on experts and expertise in criminal defense practice.  The annual meeting will be held over the lunch break and will include the awarding of this year's Champion of Justice.  

The speakers and topics are as follows:

Keeping Junk Science Out of the Courtroom -- Radha Natarajan

Summary:  The New England Innocence Project will present a discussion on how to keep pseudo-science out of the courtroom. Topics will include the use of evidentiary principles to litigate the reliability of evidence (i.e. raising evidentiary questions as a means of challenging the admission of false confessions, bad eye-witness identifications, and other bad science).

Defending Against 'Trauma-Informed' and Other 'Victim-Centered' Tactics -- Edward Bartlett

Summary: Investigators and prosecutors are increasingly using 'victim-centered' methods in sexual assault and domestic violence cases. Such methods vitiate the presumption of innocence and bias the impartiality of the investigation. This presentation reviews the different types of 'victim-centered' methods and summarizes the (lack of) scientific evidence for their use. The presentation concludes with a series of cross-examination questions to use when facing 'victim-centered' methods.

A Study in Firearms and Ballistics -- Chris Robinson

Summary:  This presentation will cover all the ins and outs of the firearms field, from weapons to ammunition to the actual evidence itself.

Strangulation in NH - Dr. Thomas Andrew

Summary:  This segment will concern the difference between the legal definition of strangulation in NH and the medical definitions.  What happens physically to the body during strangulation, the mechanics, physical and evidentiary signs and the most common medical scenarios. 

How a criminal conviction today can affect your client in family court tomorrow:  A review of law and practice in New Hampshire -- Josh Gordon, Emily Wynes and Kysa Crusco

Summary:  Criminal convictions can affect parents’ child support obligations, alimony, custody and decision-making over their children, and the ability to exercise preferences regarding adoption and ultimately result in termination of parental rights. This session will provide an outline of the some of the significant collateral consequences of criminal cases on family court cases in New Hampshire. It will also provide criminal practitioners tips on how to help clients avoid some of the most destructive results and when to encourage clients to seek assistance from a family practitioner.

Click HERE for speaker bios.

To register, please download and mail in this FORM with a check, or sign up here ON-LINE with a credit card.  If you wish to attend only the annual meeting and not the CLE, please contact Katherine Cooper at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to make arrangements.  If your membership has lapsed, join now and attend the Fall CLE and your membership will be good through the end of 2020!